Friday, May 2, 2008

Boycott KFC

The more than 700 million chickens at KFC suppliers’ factory farms lead miserable lives and suffer terrifying deaths. They are crammed by the tens of thousands into sheds that stink of ammonia fumes from the accumulated waste in which they are forced to live, lie and stand for their whole lives; they are given barely enough room to move (each bird lives in the amount of space equivalent to a standard sheet of paper) and they can never see the light of day or enjoy anything a chicken would enjoy in nature. The birds routinely suffer broken bones from being bred to be top-heavy, from callous handling (workers roughly grab birds by their legs and stuff them into crates) and from being shackled upside down at abattoirs. Chickens are often still fully conscious as their throats are cut or when they are dumped into tanks of scalding hot water to remove their feathers.When they’re killed, chickens are still babies less than 2 months old - though chickens have a natural lifespan of 10 to 15 years. Nonetheless, they are just as sensitive as adult birds to the fear and pain they experience when they are violently handled and cruelly treated and transported.Furthermore, a diet heavy in meat, dairy products and other animal products can be deadly to humans. Vegetarians have a markedly lower incidence of heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and several types of cancer than do meat-eaters. The SARS virus, salmonella, E. coli, lysteria and other pathogens are also associated with meat consumption.‘KFC stands for cruelty’, says Anuradha Sawhney, PETA India’s chief functionary. ‘Every bird KFC puts in a box or bucket had a miserable life and a frightening death. The answer is to go vegetarian and put this joint out of business.’ For more information about PETA’s campaign, please visit

Tajinder Singh
KFC Campaign Coordinator
PETA India

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